Long4Lashes products have been on the market since 2013, produced and manufactured by Oceanic in Poland. The number of customers throughout Europe that have decided to boost their Lashes, Brows, Hair, Skin and Nails with L4L products is growing year by year. Oceanic, a manufacturer with over 35 years of experience in the cosmetics market is always at the forefront when it comes to the safety and efficacy of its products. The aim is to provide L4L customers with affordable results.

We, Beauty Studio Distribution Ltd. are an Irish company that sell and distribute Long4Lashes products nationwide. We are proud to be affiliated with this amazing brand and to present it to the Irish market. We are also proud of our many Stockists, Salons and Clinics that represent and stock the L4L brand throughout Ireland. To purchase from a local supplier please see our Stockists section. If you would like to become a Stockist, please email us at info@beautystudiodistribution.ie 

Try us and we are sure you will become a part of our L4L worldwide family for the long term.